Stri​ve to Success

Strive SEND Specialist Teachers are dedicated to improving outcomes for all children and young people who have special educational needs and disabilities. Our specialisms include: Cognition and Learning Needs, Speech Language and Communication Needs as well as Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs. 

Neurodiversity exists in every classroom. All Strive Specialist Teachers use their expertise to work alongside classroom teachers and school SENCos to advise and ensure the curriculum is accessible to learners with special educational needs.

specialist SEND support, advice, intervention and training programmes

our services  

STRIVE consultants support schools, academies and local authorities to provide the very best for children and young people and prepare for successful OFSTED inspections. We advise, assess, plan and report on every aspect of provision – even a little input from our consultants can make the world of difference to successful inclusion and progress. 

SEND School

Supporting School settings at organisational, group and individual levels through consultation, assessment, intervention, advice, and training. 

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SEND Training

Our specalists will empower your team and improve their knowledge with our CPD events and bespoke training courses.

Full Training Brochure

whole school 
SEND Review

 A STRIVE SEND review and action plan will evaluate and offer a priority plan for improving the effectiveness of provisions for pupils with SEND.

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Packages of 

Students assessments include cognitive ability, processing needs, memory needs, phonological needs, fluency, language level as well as reading, writing and maths.

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Providing your SENCo advice and support to implement the graduated approach to support teaching and learning across the school. 

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Diagnostic Assessment (Dyslexia)

Specific Learning Needs Diagnostic Assessment (Dyslexia): for young people or adults with persistent literacy difficulties.

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To accommodate your needs, our service can be commissioned as a ‘one off’ assessment. However some settings may prefer packages to be delivered across the academic year with the focus of work varying, from individual work with students to whole school setting development  on a weekly, fortnightly, monthly or termly basis. The benefit of taking advantage of one of our packages is in your peace of mind and guarantee that our service will be available for you when you need it. Contact us to enquire about any of our services and a package of support.  

Contact US

Packages of Support
tailored to you